Beautiful memories of the Austin's

Created by Thelma 3 years ago

It was in the late 60’s I met Graham. Jill and I worked together and we quickly formed a social circle. Then in 1975 I left England and have been in Canada ever since.  We stayed in touch for all these years and had many visits back to the Uk and Jill and Graham showered us with love and her wonderful cooking skills. One year, they visited us here in Ontario after taking the train ride from the west of Canada through the rockies to Ontario. Graham was into the trains so I arranged with a friend who worked for Canadian Railways to spend a day together exploring their passion.  14 years ago exactly I got a call from their daughter Tracey. It was Dad and Mums surprise 70th birthday.......and would we be the surprise. What a great short visit that was. Graham and Jill took us to the airport and we said farewell for the last time. Graham said to me “will we ever meet again”  we both smiled and said “ yes we will see each other again, In God’s Kingdom” God speed that day. You will be so missed by us all. 

Thelma Francis.